Having A Plan for Market Volatility Can Help You Sleep Better

Having A Plan for Market Volatility Can Help You Sleep Better   For savers and investors, one of the things that can keep you up at night is market volatility. During the financial crisis of 2008 or the dot-com bust of 2000-2002, many people had sleepless nights...

Fox 6 Welcomes Deanne Phillips For Money Smart Week

Annex Wealth Management’s Director of Client Learning and Development Deanne Phillips joined the “Studio A” team on Milwaukee’s Fox 6 to talk about encouraging children to save. Deanne showed off a piggy bank with four slots – each with a healthy area where kids can...

“We do good work. We do honorable work.”

My Annex Wealth Management Colleagues and Friends – As some of you know, yesterday I lost my father after a brief, but grueling, battle with cancer.  After a 30-some year career as an accountant with a manufacturing firm, my dad took the Series-7 exam at the age...

Budget Act of 2015 Kills Popular Social Security Planning Strategy

President Obama has recently signed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 that addressed a potential impending default on U.S. debt. The legislation surprised many financial advisors because it also included a series of provisions that will have a dramatic impact on a...