Rich Behrendt Featured In Bloomberg News

As President-elect Donald Trump builds his team to make policy in the White House, he has sought to divest himself from the demands – and potential conflicts – of his many businesses. Recently, Bloomberg Big Law Business decided to write an article on this intriguing...

4 Strategies For Turning Your Savings Into Your First Million

4 Strategies For Turning Your Savings Into Your First Million   It might not be what it used to be, but saving a million dollars still carries an air of accomplishment. For many in the Two Comma Club, attaining their goal was the result of some discipline, wise...

What Is National Estate Planning Week?

In 2008 a group of bipartisan congressmen and congresswomen co-authored and passed legislation designating the third week of October each year for a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of estate planning. This year, the Annual National Estate Planning...

6 Insights On How To Avoid Running Out Of Money In Retirement

6 Insights On How To Avoid Running Out Of Money In Retirement   A recent survey[1] indicates that 1 in 4 Americans is worried about running out of money in retirement. At Annex Wealth Management, we’ve been working with people for years, sitting on the same side...