Getting serious about making an estate plan means consulting with an estate planning attorney who can walk you through the process. Annex Wealth Management’s Estate Planning Attorney, Jill Martin, J.D., offered some ideas on what you should ask. Finding an attorney...
We all have important documents around the house, including some that other people may need access to if something happens to you. When it comes to estate planning documents, keeping them safe is important, but ensuring someone can find them and access them is just as...
April 15th is fast approaching. Many of us know that date as the deadline to submit taxes, but it’s actually a deadline for other savings activities you might take advantage of: If you haven’t maximized your contributions for 2019, the IRS allows you to make a...
Most people over 70½ years old know what their 2019 required minimum distribution (RMD) will be. Before you or someone you know starts taking that RMD, make sure to consider the new tax law that went into effect this year. The new tax law sought to lower tax rates and...
MoneyDo: If You’re Looking To Find A More Tax-Friendly State, Look At These Key Factors… With the new federal tax law in effect, there has been a lot of talk about the change in the SALT (state and local tax) deduction, a deduction we receive for state...
MoneyDo: Potential Early Retirees – Consider What Health Insurance Option Will Help Bridge the Gap Until You Apply For Medicare Are you thinking of retiring before 65? Have you thought about what type of health insurance you’ll have to bridge the...