The Annex Wealth Management Blog


2020 Year-End Tax Planning: Tax Planning In Uncertain Times

Tax PlanningIn UncertainTimes Some may see year-end tax planning as a mundane, advisor-led chore that needs our attention only as we close out the year. Often, it’s after we begin undertaking the chore that we realize the fallacy of “year-end”: many of the tasks and...

Poll Recap: Do You Have A Year-End Tax Planning Strategy?

It's almost the end of 2020, and that means it's time to review last-minute moves that could potentially reduce your tax bill for this year. There are new techniques that you may want to consider that are related to the CARES Act and other COVID-related relief that...

Poll: Do You Have A Year-End Tax Planning Strategy?

It's almost the end of 2020, and that means it's time to review last-minute moves that could potentially reduce your tax bill for this year. There are new techniques that you may want to consider that are related to the CARES Act and other COVID-related relief that...

2020 Year-End Tax Planning: Tax Planning In Uncertain Times

2020 Year-End Tax Planning: Tax Planning In Uncertain Times

2020 Year-End Tax Planning Tax Planning In Uncertain Times Some may see year-end tax planning as a mundane, advisor-led chore that needs our attention only as we close out the year. Often, it’s after we begin undertaking the chore that we realize the fallacy of...

MoneyDo: Maximize Tax Benefits Of Your Charitable Donations

MoneyDo: Maximize Tax Benefits Of Your Charitable Donations   We can debate whether or not we should be playing Christmas music this time of year, but most of us agree: ‘tis the season for donations to our favorite charities. This week’s MoneyDo is “Consider how...

MoneyDo: Understand Your Tax Withholding

MoneyDo: Understand Your Tax Withholding. Now more than ever, it seems we have way too many things begging for our attention. There’s that little red circle on your phone. TV Stations have crawls of information for you to read while announcers read even more...

DYADT: Does Your Advisor Consider Long-Term Tax Consequences?

Our Tax Planning team will sometimes encounter folks whose goal is to pay no taxes. While that strategy may have near-term rewards, sometimes it’s important to consider your long-term and retirement goals.Would it help your future to shoulder a bit of the...

Tax Tip From Our Tax Planners: How To Report A QCD On Your Tax Form

1099-R’s have been issued and you likely have started to receive them in the mail. We wanted to provide clarification on how custodians report QCD’s (qualified charitable distributions).  Custodians do not report the QCD on the 1099-R. The form 1099-R...

2018 Tax Prep Checklist – 2019 Tax Reference Guide

2018 Tax Prep Checklist 2019 Tax Reference Guide Advisory Services offered through Annex Wealth Management®, LLC. Securities offered through H. Beck, Inc Member FINRA & SIPC. Annex Wealth Management®, LLC and H. Beck, Inc are separate and unrelated...

MoneyDo: Get Ready For Taxes

It’s a New Year, which means you’ll start receiving tax documents from your employers, investments, and contractors. That’s why this week’s MoneyDo is Get Yourself Organized & Prepared To File Your 2018 Tax Return. One easy way to keep yourself from being...

DYADT 2018 Tax Prep Checklist

Annex Wealth Management's Annual Tax Prep Checklist is back! We know it's easy sometimes to overlook or forget a detail or a key figure when preparing to file your taxes. That's why we've asked our Tax Planner - Mandy Nowaczynski, CPA, CFP® - to prepare...

MoneyDo: Maximize The Tax Benefits Of Your Charitable Donations

Tis the season for good tides, merriment, and for some of us…donations to our favorite charities.  This week’s MoneyDo is Maximize The Tax Benefits Of Your Charitable Donations. As a taxpayer, you currently get to use the larger of either: The standard deduction –...