Inside: The Tweet That Shook The Markets | Poll Recap: Do You Know The Difference Between Fee-Based & Fee-Only? | MoneyDo: Review Your Estate Plan | Nevermind Brexit. Here Comes The Electric Mini. | Amazon Wants To Train Their Employees & Move Them Through The Ranks. Here’s How & Why. | Better Than A Billion. | DYADT: Give You Retirement Advice Without Selling

LOGO: The Axiom®
WEEK IN REVIEW: The Tweet That Shook The Markets
POLL RECAP: Do you know the difference between fee-based & fee only?
MONEYDO: Review your estate plan
ASK ANNEX: Emerging Markets & Fee-Only Advisors
KTD: Nevermind Brexit. Here comes the electric mini.
KTD: Amazon wants to train their employees & move them through the ranks. Here's how & why.
KTD: Better than a billion.
D.Y.A.D.T: Give you retirement advice without selling
Open House For Women, Wealth & Wisdom Group
Saving the Family Cottage | Mequon
Saving the Family Cottage | Elm Grove

LOGO: Annex Wealth Management