MoneyDo: Review your auto debits and recurring charges.

MoneyDo: Review your auto debits and recurring charges. In a modern day when we can get all our services at a click of a button.  When that button is clicked it often involves creating an auto debit attached to our bank account.  It is also possible someone else...

MoneyDo: Know how Roth and Traditional accounts could help you.

MoneyDo: Know how Roth and Traditional accounts could help you. When it comes to saving for retirement, you’ve been given two tools designed to help you optimize your savings.Roth vs. Traditional Retirement AccountsWe all wish the government would let us save money...

MoneyDo: Importance of Account Titling

MoneyDo: Importance of Account Titling A few weeks ago, we talked about beneficiary designation, which is a critical part of the estate planning puzzle. Another related issue that works alongside beneficiary designation is account titling, which addresses how you...

MoneyDo: Review and update your beneficiary designations.

This weeks’ “MoneyDo” is: Review and update your beneficiary designations.One term we use often here is “mish mash.” It’s a colloquialism that refers to a bunch of ideas or investments or plans that people sometimes cobble together to be their...

MoneyDo: Review What You’re Actually Paying For Your Annuity.

This week’s MoneyDo is to Review what you’re actually paying for your annuity. Many annuities are complex financial instruments accompanied by complex paperwork detailing how they work and the spider web of fees associated with them. And it’s not because you’re dumb....