This week’s MoneyDo encourages you to take part in a key component of wealth management – evaluating gains and losses. Don’t let the crush of have-to’s and shopping lists crowd out this critical “MoneyDo.” For many newer investors, it takes some time to understand why...
Tis the season for good tides, merriment, and for some of us…donations to our favorite charities. This week’s MoneyDo is Maximize The Tax Benefits Of Your Charitable Donations. As a taxpayer, you currently get to use the larger of either: The standard deduction –...
Each week in MoneyDo, we focus on something you can do to try and help improve your financial picture or wealth state of being.This week, we want to focus on being grateful. It doesn’t matter how you view the universe and our existence – research shows that being...
Diversification is a key part of a well-crafted portfolio. When an investor diversifies, he or she spreads investments across different sectors and investment vehicles. Many studies and mathematical models show that maintaining a well-diversified portfolio can be one...
‘Tis the season for good tides, merriment and for some of us…………..donations to our favorite charities! That’s why this week’s MoneyDo is “Seek to maximize the tax benefits of your charitable donations.” Here are a few insights to get you started: 1. Compare and...
Studies show we’re living longer and taking better care of ourselves – which could increase chances we’ll require long-term care. Long-term care needs are different from healthcare needs. Where healthcare needs focus on illness, wellness, and healing, long-term care...