Money Do: Beware Conflicting Opinions On Your Asset Allocations

Beware Conflicting Opinions On Your Asset Allocations   Search “how to allocate your portfolio” on your favorite search engine, and you’ll be treated to more than 17 million results. If you looked at each one of those search results for a second, it would take...

Make 2019 The Year You Got Real

January is typically our “get serious” month, when we’ll try to “get serious” about all sorts of things, from relationships to diet and our retirement goals. Let me suggest setting up a budget may be as good for you as a healthy diet – and as ineffective. At some...

Axiom Vol 133

Featured: 401(k) Horror Stories RETURNS: When Timely Remittance Of Contributions Wasn’t Timely At All | Poll: Does Your Financial Advisor Receive Revenue Sharing Payments From The Investment Companies They Recommend? | MoneyDo: Make Sure You Have Core Estate...

MoneyDo: Make Sure You Have Core Estate Planning Documents

Make Sure You Have Core Estate Planning Documents   Nearly every comprehensive financial plan includes estate planning. When you estate plan, you specify your wishes, both in the event you are unable to manage your own affairs, and at the time of your death....

Conflicts of Interest, Hiding in Plain Sight

The Wall Street Journal reports that “Many major brokers, banks and financial advisers take revenue-sharing payments—legal kickbacks that mutual-fund companies pay to reward sales of particular funds. Such payments vary from 0.01% to about 0.15% of the amount...