Consider These 11 Reasons To Start Estate PlanningPart 1 When we’re younger, we tend to focus first on taking care of ourselves, whether it’s personally, professionally or financially. Life changes, and so do our priorities. Sometimes, it’s when we have children; at...
Some of us remember a time when an unanswered phone call meant waiting. Not today: we simply turn from the phone to text, or to email, or some sort of messenger. We live in an era where it seems we have endless ways to communicate and interact.Last week, we asked you...
Through the past months, we’ve noticed a growing influence of national firms setting up local offices and offering their brand of wealth management.You’ll hear them tout the word “team,” but for those advisers, “team” means people far removed from the Wisconsin...
Today’s technology provides diverse ways to interact and communicate. What’s your preferred way to communicate in the following interactions? Asking Your Friend How They’re Doing: How do you prefer to communicate?*Social MediaTextVideo...
A recent study said that people are more confident about their retirement readiness than five years ago. In our last poll, we asked readers: What is your top concern when it comes to your retirement plan?Nearly half of our Axiom readers reported that Healthcare Costs...