11 Reasons To Consider Estate Planning

11 Reasons To Consider Estate Planning Jun 7, 2019 When we’re younger, we tend to focus first on taking care of ourselves, whether it’s personally, professionally or financially. Life changes, and so do our priorities. Sometimes, it’s when we have children; at other...

Poll Recap: How Do You Honor Memorial Day?

Honoring The Fallen Last week’s poll focused on how we memorialize the fallen men and women who protect our country. We are forever grateful for their sacrifice.Our question centered on a little-known resolution that passed Congress over 15 years ago instructing...

MoneyDo: Know what you own: Fixed Income

MoneyDo: Know what you own: Fixed Income   This week’s MoneyDo again encourages you to know what own – this time by taking a close look at your fixed income holdings. Fixed Income refers to investments that deliver a stable flow of money, often independent of...

How Do You Honor Memorial Day?

Honoring The Fallen In December 2000, Congress passed a law requiring Americans to pause at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day to remember and honor the fallen. I observe this pauseI do not observe this pauseI didn't know before, but I will observe this pauseI...

It’s The End Of May – What About “Sell In May, Go Away”?

The old investment adage “Sell In May, Go Away” may have originated with an old English saying “Sell in May and go away, and come back on St. Leger’s Day.” At that time, British business owners, bankers, and aristocrats would flee London for beach residences during...