It seems like everyone has an opinion on the health of our Social Security system, and often, the outlook is filled with doom and gloom. At Annex Wealth Management, it seems that the younger the person we meet, the more likely he or she holds a negative view on the...
There’s a lot of volatility on the horizon – and we’re not talking about the financial markets. We’re looking at streaming networks. One just-released study indicated that nearly 15 percent of Netflix subscribers – almost 9 million people – ...
Money Do – Discover What Probate Is And When It’s Needed Probate may be one of the most misunderstood parts of the estate settlement process. Unfortunately, the term “probate” has garnered some negative connotations through headlines and heavily-publicized cases that...
What word comes to your mind when you think of retirement? That was the question posed to nearly 6,000 people of all demographic segments in a recent survey[1].The top five words surveyors heard were (in order of popularity) “freedom,” “enjoyment,” “stress-free,”...
MoneyDo: Know What You Own – US Equities This week’s MoneyDo is to Know What You Own when it comes to US Equities. It sounds rudimentary, but we find that many folks neglect to track what’s in their portfolio, or haven’t looked in months or years.In the United...