MoneyDo: Get Familiar With Your Credit Report

MoneyDo: Get Familiar With Your Credit ReportWe’ve always recommended that folks review their credit report annually to understand what’s on it and how it affects your score.Now more than ever, it’s critical to know where you can get a copy of your credit report and...

Axiom Vol 162

Inside: The Tweet That Shook The Markets | Poll Recap: Do You Know The Difference Between Fee-Based & Fee-Only? | MoneyDo: Review Your Estate Plan | Nevermind Brexit. Here Comes The Electric Mini. | Amazon Wants To Train Their Employees & Move Them Through The...

Poll Recap: Fee-Based Vs. Fee-Only

Poll Recap: Fee-Based Vs. Fee-Only We’ve always maintained that Axiom readers surpass the averages, and it seems that with every poll we take, we prove our contention. That’s why we’re not too surprised to discover that over 75 percent of our polltakers indicated that...

MoneyDo: Review Your Estate Plan

MoneyDo: Review Your Estate Plan Estate planning, like financial planning, is an ongoing and evolving process that requires regular check-ins and reviews to ensure everything is in order. In a few prior MoneyDos, we’ve discussed the importance of account titling and...