Poll Recap: Do Taller People Make More Money?

When it comes to wealth, over half of you believe a tall tale.Last week, we referred to several studies that seem to indicate a correlation between an individual’s height and his or her wealth. We asked you if you believed there was a correlation between height and...

Axiom Vol 173

Do Earnings Reflect Uncertainty?Annex Wealth Management Is A Proud Partner Of Wisconsin AthleticsPoll: Do Taller People Make More Money?MoneyDo: Understand What “Risk Tolerance” & “Time Horizon” MeanCommon Questions Asked During Client...

Poll: Do Taller People Make More Money?

A number of studies seem to indicate that taller people make more money. In Western countries the difference between the 25th and the 75th percentile in height – a jump of 4 or five inches – is associated with an increase in salary between 9 and 15 percent. Do you...

DYADT: How Often Does Your Advisor Reach Out To You?

On average, our clients hear from the Annex team at least 100 times a year – for all sorts of reasons. Clients will receive a regular check-in from the service team, the Axiom, or invites to educational events, along with quarterly performance reports and statements....

Consumer Credit

Consumer Credit   Consumer debt continues to rise in the United States, up to nearly $14 trillion – surpassing the total amount of household debt held before the 2008 financial crisis[i]. The largest component of household, or consumer debt, is mortgage debt....