August is National Make a Will Month
When we’re younger, we tend to focus first on taking care of ourselves, whether it’s personally, professionally or financially. Life changes, and so do our priorities. Sometimes, it’s when we have children; at other times, our responsibilities grow to include our parents or other loved ones.
If you’re at a place in your life where your responsibilities and priorities extend beyond yourself, it’s time to put pen to paper and make your wishes and oral arrangements legally binding through various estate planning documents – including a will.
Estate & Legacy Planning
The Annex Wealth Management Estate Planning Team works on evaluating existing estate plans and creating customized estate planning summaries that are easy for clients to follow, while providing training and advisory services to clients and employees about all aspects of estate planning and trust administration.
- Network of professional estate planning attorneys
- Coordinate with independent corporate trusts and trustees
One-Size-Fits-All Estate Plans Don’t Exist
…at least not here. Annex Wealth Management learns your unique circumstances, and with the help of our estate planning attorney, guides you through the process.
The process of legally structuring finances, from current to projected assets, requires genuine understanding of estate structure down to key details like transfer taxes and dynasty trusts.
Basic & Advanced Estate Planning
Whether it’s simple or more complex estate planning, we’re ready to guide you through potential pitfalls and towards peace of mind.
Annex Wealth Management clients rely on our estate planning guidance for both tax-related and non-tax related reasons, from establishing guardians for minor children to business succession planning, to marital property agreements and trusts.