There’s a lot of volatility on the horizon – and we’re not talking about the financial markets. We’re looking at streaming networks. One just-released study indicated that nearly 15 percent of Netflix subscribers – almost 9 million people – indicated they’d bolt for the soon-to-be-released Disney+[i].
That news comes on the heels of Hulu’s announcement that the streaming network saw its subscriber roles grow by over 3 million people since the end of 2018. Disney owns a controlling interest in Hulu[ii].
…Which led us to wonder what our group of super-smart, leading-edge Axiom readers thought of streaming networks.
Last week, we noted that the most-watched show on Netflix was “The Office.” Some insiders believe that its owner, NBCUniversal, may try to remove the show from from Netflix and let viewers find it on an NBC streaming network.
We asked our readers what streaming network they owned. An overwhelming majority – nearly 70% – said Netflix, with Hulu the nearest competitor at around 20 percent. HBO was the third-most owned streamer.
We then asked, “I will only pay for ___ streaming networks.”
The diversity of answers was pretty interesting. About half of respondents said they’d only pay for one streaming network. Around a third said they’d pay for two. Fifteen percent said they’d pay for three streamers, and a few of those polled said they’d pay for four or five.
Will our attitudes towards streaming networks evolve? We’ll find out. We’ll shelve this question and re-ask it when Disney+ goes live. Stay tuned…
[i] https://www.marketwatch.com/story/netflix-at-risk-of-losing-87-million-subscribers-to-disney-survey-finds-2019-04-24
[ii] https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/01/media/hulu-subscribers/index.html