Some of us remember a time when an unanswered phone call meant waiting. Not today: we simply turn from the phone to text, or to email, or some sort of messenger. We live in an era where it seems we have endless ways to communicate and interact.
Last week, we asked you all how you liked to interact with others, depending on certain social circumstances. When it came to interacting with a friend, our poll-takers created a logjam of top responses: Text, which finished third (who would have imagined this a top 3 answer a few years ago?); In-Person, which finished second; and your favorite answer – Give’em a call. When it came to interacting with customer service, you all had a clear-cut favorite: the telephone, which garnered over 70 percent of your votes. For account review, even more of you – nearly 75 percent – said you’d prefer it be in person. At this time, technology isn’t your first choice for many of you.