Does Your Advisor Do This?
Annex University – Educating our clients isn’t just a “sounds good” goal of ours. Annex Wealth Management is committed to client growth and development. We want our clients to “get it”; to understand what the fine print means, to know key terms and the trajectory of his or her financial plan. That’s why we host three hours of radio shows a week, and sponsor Annex University, a place where clients can acquire fundamental and critical information on key wealth management and retirement topics.
Here’s a quick glance of courses we’ll be hosting in the next few months for our clients:
Annex University: Medicare Basics
Medicare enrollment is a milestone for each of our clients. We understand the complexity and anxiety that can go with making a selection, and Annex Wealth Management is here to help.
We will help you:
· Understand your healthcare needs as you reach Medicare age
· Approach Medicare enrollment with confidence
· Navigate Medicare’s complicated rules and deadlines
Annex University: Social Security
Social Security is a milestone – you’ve worked hard to get here! Navigating the labyrinth of Social Security information can be daunting. Because we know how complex Social Security can be, we are offering this workshop on navigating some general Social Security concepts.
If you have not yet begun to collect Social Security (SS), this informative session is for you. We will cover:
· What does it mean to collect SS early?
· What are the rules for spousal benefits?
· How do you start collecting your SS benefits?
· How is SS taxed?
Annex University: Year-End Tax Planning
As we approach year-end, your thoughts may have turned to tax planning and which concepts and strategies may be effective for you. We’re inviting you to our workshop, where we’ll discuss many of the tax planning concepts you’ve heard about, like:
- Roth IRA’s – contributions and conversions
- Charitable giving in a changing tax environment
- The impact of realizing capital gains or harvesting capital losses
- Itemizing deductions in light of the new tax law
Annex University: Estate Planning Basics
Because we know how complex Estate Planning can be, we are inviting you to a workshop on some general Estate Planning concepts:
- Discussion of the various documents that are key elements of every estate plan
- Reasons why you should do estate planning
- Lifetime planning and asset distribution planning at death
- Should I avoid probate and if so, how
- How do beneficiary designations and asset titling impact an estate plan
- Who should I name as fiduciaries
- How to communicate with family about your estate plan.