Are Today’s Students Prepared To Make Financial Decisions?
A new study finds U.S. high schools are missing the mark on personal finance…

Every week, Annex Wealth Management will give you one thing you should do that may improve your financial well-being. We call it the “MoneyDo List.”This weeks’ “MoneyDo” is:
Place your important documents in a safe but accessible location.
We all have important documents around the house, including some that other people may need access to if something happens to you. When it comes to estate planning documents, keeping them safe is important, but ensuring someone can find them and access them is just as critical. Without access, those documents may be worth less than the paper they were written on…
Music Streaming – Who Pays Best?
Following the emergence of CD bootlegs and illegal downloads, the traditional business for music labels and publishers collapsed in the early years of this century. The compact disc had served its time and music downloads weren’t big enough yet to compensate for the losses. The music industry was short on solutions and struggled to develop effective distribution channels in the digital age.
In recent years, on-demand streaming has emerged as a possible solution for the industry’s pains and after years of decline, the music industry has returned to growth. But despite looking like the music industry’s lifeline, streaming services such as Spotify have often been criticized in the past for not paying artists adequately.
The following chart by Statista shows that a single stream is in fact of little value. However, there is a substantial difference between the many services competing for the listeners’ money. Whilst Spotify is constantly keen on cutting royalties, providers like Tidal or Apple Music are offering substantially higher per-stream rates for artists.
We’ll Cover:
• Your retirement savings are at risk – Failure to manage taxes and higher costs can leave you with less
• If you rollover or distribute your 401k or IRA incorrectly, it can cost you
• Withdrawing too much too soon can be deadly to a portfolio
• Understand your sustainable withdrawal rate
• Recognize important IRA milestones
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Know The Difference™ Minute: Spotify’s IPO Could Start A Trend
Spotify, the streaming giant, has chosen to offer its initial public offering without using investment banks for hype and pr. Wall Street waits to see how the IPO goes. Annex Wealth Management’s Deanne Phillips takes a look.
Breaking Down Advisory Fees Part 1
Breaking Down Advisory Fees Part 2
Treasures Of Italy with Dave Spano – October 20, 2018 to November 1, 2018