FEATURED: What’s A Fiduciary? A Fiduciary Definition
The top “MoneyDo” of 2017 was: Importance of Account Titling
Account titling is an important part of getting your assets organized. Its simplicity often means it gets overlooked, which can expose you and your estate to risks and tax consequences. This week we suggest you review the ownership structure of your accounts and make sure it works in conjunction (not contrary) with your estate planning goals.
Are We Ready For ‘Amazon Key’?
Amazon will install the lock and, for now, it will be available in 37 U.S. cities. While they reassure potential users that all personnel will be thoroughly vetted and, where possible, will not fully enter the premises, are we really ready for such a thing? In response to the product announcement, 9to5Mac conducted a survey to gauge people’s current openness to this kind of tech. As our infographic shows, the largest share (37 percent) of the almost six thousand respondents said that they would not be comfortable with any kind of guest access. When it comes to the Amazon Key level of access, i.e. ‘on-demand’, only 11 percent said they would be willing.
It might then seem like a step too far for now, but according to Amazon vice president of delivery technology Peter Larsen, “this is not an experiment…this is a core part of the Amazon shopping experience from this point forward”. Perhaps we’d better start getting used to it then.
Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/11620/are-we-ready-for-amazon-key/
Know The Difference™ Minute: What’s The Monte Carlo Technique? What’s It Got To Do With Wealth Management?
Annex Wealth Management’s Dave Spano explains what the Monte Carlo technique is, where it got its name, and how wealth managers rely on the technique to create financial plans.
Know The Difference™ Minute: What’s The Biggest Retirement Expense?
Can You Retire Too Early? Medicare Q&A with Expert Diane Omdahl
Mark Oswald & Diane Omdahl, founder and President of “65 Incorporated” discuss the question “Can You Retire Too Early?”
Market Correction Vs. Bear Market
A caller asks if Annex Wealth Management sees a correction upcoming. Annex Wealth Management’s Mark Beck discusses the conditions for a correction and the conditions for a bear market, and how Annex Wealth Management constructs portfolios and strategizes to prepare for potential corrections.
Treasures Of Italy with Dave Spano – October 20, 2018 to November 1, 2018
Retreat to Paradise with WTMJ’s Saturday Morning Team – March 11, 2018 to March 18, 2018