The 50th Issue
FEATURED: What Does The DOL Fiduciary Rule Mean For Your Portfolio?
June 15, 2017
Annex Wealth Management
12700 W. Bluemound Rd.
Elm Grove, WI 53122
We’ll Cover:
• Your retirement savings are at risk – Failure to manage taxes and higher costs can leave you with less
• If you rollover or distribute your 401k or IRA incorrectly, it can cost you
• Withdrawing too much too soon can be deadly to a portfolio
• Understand your sustainable withdrawal rate
• Recognize important IRA milestones
June 20, 2017
Butte des Morts Country Club
3600 W. Prospect Ave
Appleton, WI 54914
In any industry, there are at least a few “secrets” known only by the insiders who work in the field that they’d rather keep to themselves. Ever wonder what truths some financial professionals keep to themselves? Join us for “7 Secrets Financial Professionals Don’t Want You to Know” where we’ll share a few of the industry’s best-kept secrets.
Uber’s Reputation Has Taken a Major Hit
The past six months have been nothing short of terrible for Uber from a PR standpoint. First the company’s CEO Travis Kalanick drew criticism for joining then President-elect Trump’s economic advisory board in December, then #deleteUBER started trending on Twitter after the company had allegedly tried to profit from the chaos at U.S. airports after Trump had signed the first travel ban. To make things worse, the company also faced widespread criticism for promoting an aggressive, sexist corporate culture and finally got sued for allegedly stealing trade secrets from Google’s self-driving vehicle arm Waymo.
According to a recent survey published by management consulting firm cg42, all those negative headlines did leave a mark on Uber’s reputation. As our chart shows, the percentage of consumers with a negative perception of the world’s most valuable startup jumped from 9 to 27 percent in response to the news stories. To make things worse, these stories have been the main reason for people to stop using Uber in the past six months.
Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/9469/public-perception-of-uber/

Know The Difference™ Minute: What’s The Biggest Retirement Expense?
Medicare: Common Questions
Annex Wealth Management’s Mark Beck and Deanne Phillips discuss some common questions people ask about Medicare.
What Does Disclosure Of Conflict Through Best Interest Contract Exemption Mean?
June 9th: The Day The F Word Goes Into Effect