A 2016 study from Morningstar echoes a position many financial professionals have espoused for years: beating the market by sheer timing is extremely difficult (and sometimes costly).
“Timing the market” is an actual attempt to enact the adage “buy low, sell high”: an investor strategy of entering (buying) and exiting (selling) the market at just the right time, thus optimizing returns.
The strategy has one major flaw – knowing when to buy and sell. Morningstar found many investors lost money trying to guess correctly. When an investor tries to time the market, they have to be right twice – buying and selling at just the right time.
Morningstar found a gap of 79 basis points (.79%) between the returns of U.S. stock investors, and the total returns of the funds they invest in. In layman’s terms, that means investors lost .79% of potential returns by trying to time the market[1].
Research shows that investors are affected by all sorts of forces beyond rational assessment of financial data. For example, one study of investor behavior shows that single men are 67% more likely to buy or sell a security than single women[2].
Parsing through the data – and avoiding emotion –to invest in a volatile market often leaves investors in need of an independent-minded third party. A fiduciary financial advisor is committed to independence and will offer advice in an investor’s best interest.
[1] http://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-how-much-investors-lose-thinking-they-can-time-the-market-2017-05-11
[2] http://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-trading-etfs-may-lose-you-moneyespecially-if-youre-a-guy-2017-03-27
Advisory Services offered through Annex Wealth Management®, LLC. Securities offered through H. Beck, Inc Member FINRA & SIPC. Annex Wealth Management®, LLC and H. Beck, Inc are separate and unrelated companies. This site has been published for residents of: AZ, CA, FL, IL, MN, NC, SC, TN, TX & WI ONLY. By entering you certify you are a resident of one of those states. All information herein has been prepared solely for information purposes, and it is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, any security.
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